Replication material for: “Family Diversity: Updating a Household Typology in the Swiss Household Panel”

Replication material for: “Family Diversity: Updating a Household Typology in the Swiss Household Panel”


Sandrine Morel (UNIL-SSP-ISS, member of FORS-SSP DReMSS programm)

Publication year


How to cite

Morel S (2024). Replication material for: Family Diversity: Updating a Household Typology in the Swiss Household Panel. FORS - Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences.


This paper presents a new household typology in the Swiss Household Panel. The update of the household typology is motivated by the necessity to have a more detailed, more specific information about different types of couples with children, as the criteria used in the existing household typologies (e.g., age or number of children; age of adults) are insufficient to describe the family diversity and the plurality of its forms in terms of household structure and composition. To do so, the new variable distinguishes among the couple-with-children household types those with common children from those with children from a previous relationship, and those with children from a previous and the current relationship. The multiple steps to construct the new variable are described in the methodology section. The descriptive statistics section presents contextual and socio-demographic characteristics of the six couples with-children household types, among which four are unique to this new household typology (step- and blended family households). The analyses dedicated to the newly created household types show a high variety of situations in a limited number of cases. The updated household typology increases the visibility of alternative forms of family and reduces their misclassification. In addition, its construction steps give opportunity to identify, describe and compare different types of family-households as well as various types of parents and children in the household. Thus, the new household typology allows to assess differences and commonalities between a variety of configurations, while taking family diversity and complexity in Switzerland into better consideration.


household structure and composition
family configurations
household configurations
couple-with-children household types
reconstituted families
family complexity
step-by-step construction of variable

Description of the material

1. The commented R script (code) 'HHTyp_Replication_RScript_AllWaves_vsh.R'
2. The codebooks 'HHTypology_ReplicationMaterial_CODEBOOK_vsh.html'
3. A readme file 'HHTypology_ReplicationMaterial_README_vsh.html'




The here shared R code is an updated, simplified version in the commands and data structure compared to the previous R code used for the publication on the FORS Working Paper website. The previously used R code as well as the SPSS syntax can be found here: under SHP MAIN STUDY DOCUMENTATION / Additional Documentation / Documentation on household typology of parental and filial relationships. The newer version of the R code and documentation also include extra variables that were originally not considered.


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