About SWISSUbase

Our mission: To help researchers preserve and share data


SWISSUbase, launched in December 2021, is a new research data platform for the archiving and sharing of Swiss research data. It replaces the original FORSbase, with updated features and personal services, to offer Swiss research institutions a comprehensive platform for the curation, preservation, and dissemination of scientific research data and metadata.

SWISSUbase is unique from other data archiving solutions – it is multi-disciplinary with rich discipline-specific and multi-lingual metadata. Data curation is performed by professional archivists in partner institutions, ensuring that data from different disciplines can be effectively shared, reused and preserved for the long-term.

FAIR compliant, SWISSUbase provides archiving aligned with international standards; extended search capability and multi-lingual user interface; connectivity with European Research Infrastructures such as CESSDA for the social sciences; and support and consultation for data management and archiving. The depositing and accessing of data on SWISSUbase and its related services are free of charge for users.

SWISSUbase is a partnership between FORS (Swiss Centre of Expertise for the Social Sciences), the University of Lausanne and the University of Zurich.