Replication material for: “Randomized Controlled Trial of Counseling Approach for Long-term Welfare Recipients in Switzerland.”

Replication material for: “Randomized Controlled Trial of Counseling Approach for Long-term Welfare Recipients in Switzerland.”


Dorian Kessler (Social Work Department, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Bern, Switzerland)
Simon Steger (Social Work Department, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Bern, Switzerland)
Pascal Keller (Social Work Department, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Bern, Switzerland)

Publication year


How to cite

Kessler, D., Steger, S., Keller, P. (2024). Replication material for: Randomized Controlled Trial of Counseling Approach for Long-term Welfare Recipients in Switzerland. FORS - Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences.


FORS - Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences


This study examines the impact of “Change in Direction”, a counseling approach for long-term social assistance recipients in Switzerland. The results of the study are based on a randomized controlled trial (n intervention group = 31, n comparison group = 50). Outcome measures were obtained from a two-wave survey and administrative data. The intervention increased clients’ mastery (= experience of competence, β = .46, p = .038) and vitality (= one aspect of well-being, β = .61, p = .008), reducing the gap with the general Swiss working age population by 80% and 33% respectively. However, the intervention did not increase clients' general life satisfaction or earnings, nor did it reduce health expenditures or cash transfer receipt. Findings show that goal-oriented counseling can improve feelings of competence and well-being among long-term welfare recipients but that it cannot improve labor market outcomes and financial self-sufficiency.


social assistance
long-term welfare
randomized controlled trial

Description of the material

1. Richtungswechsel_code.R
2. Richtungswechsel_anonymized data set.csv
3. Richtungswechsel_List of variables.xlsx


German-speaking Switzerland


No. 9